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Python: NumPy Basics

Numpy works in a lower level language and therefore has shorter computational times.
Deals with vectors and matrices.
Can be used to import and preprocess data into Python directly.
Main feature: N-D array class which corresponds to lists.
Matrix: A datastructure having rows and columns used mostly for mathematical operations. A collection of vectors.
Scalar: A single element. All the numbers from algebra are refered to as scalars in linear algebra.
Vector: Single dimensional object. Vector can be a column or row vector.
#vector operations
np.append(vector,new_value/vector2) #add new values to the vector
vector[index] = new_value #update existing value
del v[0] #cannot delete array elements
Declaring a matrix, vector and scalar
import numpy as np
np.array([[[ 1, -3, 245],[ 0, -2, 246]], [[ 1, 3, 2],[ 3, 49, 77]]]) #gives tensor
np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]) #gives 3X3 matrix
np.array([1,2,3]) #gives vector
np.array([4]) #gives scalar